Healthy, Fit and Slim: Understanding the Science behind Nutrition, Exercise and Anti-Aging



Turn off the genes that are killing you and your waistline. By changing what you eat, leading a healthy lifestyle, and exercising you can get your “good” genes to work for you while turning off the “bad” ones. You don’t have to be genetically gifted to make the best of them. The author shows you how to do this with his comprehensive concept based on current hypotheses of the biochemistry of aging. You will read for the first time about a lifestyle which won’t just prevent accelerated aging, but also help you to lose body fat and unleash undreamed of vitality. The author eschews esoteric methods and magic pills and instead presents a realistic and doable concept using exercise, nutrition, and a healthy lifestyle that you can profit from right away. Reducing body fat and building up muscle mass serve as the leitmotif running throughout the book. Wilfried Dubbels is a pharmacist and former competitive bodybuilder. He walks his talk, and wants to help every reader achieve a slim and athletic figure as well as better health and a high quality of life.

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